Kali Wifite Handshake Location



Wifi kali wifi kali linux 2020 kali linux 2020.4 wifite wifite2 wifite2 kali linux wpa wep wps alfa comptia cech oscp. Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel! I'm using the latest builds of Kali Linux and I use the following command: wifite -pyrit -dict./rockyou.txt But after capturing a WPA Handshake, it says that no dictionary was found 00.

  • Hcxtools Description. Small set of tools convert packets from captures (h = hash, c = capture, convert and calculate candidates, x = different hashtypes) for the use with latest hashcat or John the Ripper.The tools are 100% compatible to hashcat.
  • This is a text file including a list of possible passwords; you can find them with a simple google search, and kali Linux has a few (usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt). Once you have downloaded a dictionary file, open up a terminal and enter “aircrack-ng -b bssid of router -w path to word list path of captured handshake”. If the password is in the dictionary file, aircrack-ng will tell you.
  • Aircrack is one of the most popular tools for WEP/WPA/WPA2 cracking.

When it was known that a WEP network could be hacked by any kid with a laptop and a network connection (using easy peasy tutorials like those on our blog), the security guys did succeed in making a much more robust security measure WPA/WPA2.

Now hacking WPA/WPA2 is a very tedious job in most cases. A dictionary attack may take days, and still might not succeed. Also, good dictionaries are huge.

An exhaustive bruteforce including all the alphabets (uppercase lowercase) and numbers, may take years, depending on password length. Rainbow tables are known to speed things up, by completing a part of the guessing job beforehand, but the output rainbow table that needs to be downloaded from the net is disastrously large (can be 100s of GBs sometimes). And finally the security folks were at peace. But it was not over yet, as the new WPA technology was not at all easy for the users to configure. With this in mind, a new security measure was introduced to compliment WPA. Wifi Protected Setup (WPS). Now basically it was meant to make WPA even tougher to crack, and much easier to configure (push a button on router and device connects). However, it had a hole, which is now well known, and tools like reaver can exploit it in a single line statement. It still might take hours, but it is much better than the previous scenario in which months of brute-forcing would yield no result:


Here's what wikipedia says about WPS

Created by the Wi-Fi Alliance and introduced in 2006, the goal of the protocol is to allow home users who know little of wireless security and may be intimidated by the available security options to set up Wi-Fi Protected Access, as well as making it easy to add new devices to an existing network without entering long pass phrases. Prior to the standard, several competing solutions were developed by different vendors to address the same need. A major security flaw was revealed in December 2011 that affects wireless routers with the WPS feature, which most recent models have enabled by default. The flaw allows a remote attacker to recover the WPS PIN in a few hours with a brute-force attack and, with the WPS PIN, the network's WPA/WPA2 pre-shared key. Users have been urged to turn off the WPS feature, although this may not be possible on some router models.

Working Of WPS

Now while most of the things are the same as in WPA, there is a new concept of using pins for authentication. So basically, the client sends 8 digit pins to the access point, which verifies it and then allows the client to connect. Now a pin has 8 digits, and only contains numbers, so its a possible target for bruteforece. Under normal bruteforcing of WPA passwords, you have to consider the fact that there may be number, alphabets, and sometimes symbols (and more than 8 letters). This make the task a billion billion times tougher. However, we can try thousands of keys per second, which make it a tad bit easier. Now in WPS, there is a delay because we have to wait for APs response, and we may only try a few keys per second (practically the best I've seen on my PC is 1 key per 2 sec). Basically, 8 digits and 10 possibilities per digit (0-9) make it 10^8 (interpret ^ as raised to the power of)seconds if we assume one key per second. Now that'll be years. So, where is this taking us? The answer is, there are flaws in this technology that can be used against it.

• The 8th digit is a checksum of first 7 digits. 10^7 possibilities, i.e. one-tenth time. Two months, still a way to go.

• The pin number for verification goes in two halves, so we can independently verify the first four and the last four digits. Its easy to guess 4 digits correct two times, than to guess 8 correct digits at once. Basically, the first half would take 10^4 guess and the second would take 10^3.

Now the guesses would be 10^4 + 10^3 (not 10^4 *10 ^3). Now we need 11,000 guesses:

So that'll take 3 hours approximately. And that's all the combinations, and most probably the correct pin will not be the last combination, so you can expect to reach the result earlier. However, the assumption is that bruteforcing will take place at a key per second. My personal best is a key every 2 seconds, and yours might drop to as low as a key every 10 seconds.

How to carry out the attack
Now it might have been tough to carry out this attack at some point in history, but now, its a breeze. If you have all the prerequisites, then hacking the network would be as easy as:
reaver -i <interface-name> -b <BSSID of target>

And if you are already familiar with hacking WEP, then just go to your Kali Linux terminal and type the above command (replacing what needs to be replaced). Leave your machine as is, come back 10 mins later, check the progress (must be 1% or something), and go take a nap. However, if you're a newbie, then tag along.

Kali Linux

First o ff, you need to have Kali linux (or backtrack) up and running on your machine. Any other Linux distro might work, but you'll need to install Reaver on your own. Now if you don't have Kali Linux installed, you might want to go to this page, which will get you


started on hacking with Kali Linux. (Reaver has a known issue : Sometimes it doesn't work with Virtual Machines, and you might have to do a live boot using live CD or live USB of Kali Linux.

Information Gathering
Now you need to find out the following about you target network
• Does it have WPS enabled. If not, then the attack will not work.
• The BSSID of the network.

Now to check whether the network has WPS enabled or not, you can either use wash or just use the good old airodump-ng. Wash is specifically meant to check whether a network has WPS enabled or not, and thereby is much easier to use. Here are the steps:

• Set your wireless interface in monitor mode.
airmon-ng start wlan0
• Use wash (easy but sometimes unable to detect networks even when they have wps enabled). If any network shows up there, it has WPS enabled:
wash -i mon0

This is an error which I haven't figured out yet. If you see it, then you'll have to do some homework, or move on to airodump method. Update: wash -i mon0 --ignore-fcs might solves the issue.

• Use airodump-ng. It will show all networks around you. It tells which of them use WPA. You'll have to assume they have WPS, and then move to next steps:
airodump-ng mon0


BSSID of the network: now irrespective of what you used, you should have a BSSID column in the result that you get. Copy the BSSID of the network you want to hack. That's all the information you need.


So by now you must have something like XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, which is the BSSID of your target network. Keep this copied, as you'll need it.
Now finally we are going to use Reaver to get the password of the WPA/WPA2 network. Reaver makes hacking very easy, and all you need to do is enter
reaver -i mon0 -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Explanation = i (interface used). Remember creating a monitor interface mon0 using airmon-ng start wlan0. This is what we are using -b species the BSSID of the network that we found out earlier.

This is all the information that Reaver needs to get started. However, Reaver comes with many advanced options, and some are recommended by me. Most importantly, you should use the -vv option, which increases the verbosity of the tool. Basically, it writes everything thats going on to the terminal. This helps you see whats happening, track the progress, and if needed, do some troubleshooting. So final command should be

reaver -i mon0 -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -vv
After some hours, you will see something like this. The pin in this case was intentionally 12345670, so it was hacked in 3 seconds.
X is the password of the wireless network.
Here is an extra section, which might prove useful.

X is the password of the wireless network.
Here is an extra section, which might prove useful. Known problems that are faced... troubleshooting:

1 As in the screenshot above, you saw the first line read 'Switching wlan0 to channel 6'. (Yours will be mon0 instead of wlan0). Sometimes, it keeps switching interfaces forever.

2 Sometimes it never gets a beacon frame, and gets stuck in the waiting for beacon frame stage.
3 Sometimes it never associates with the target AP.
4 Sometimes the response is too slow, or never comes, and a (0x02) or something error is displayed.
In most cases, such errors suggest:
1 Something wrong with wireless card.
2 AP is very choosy, won't let you associate.
3 The AP does not use WPS.
4 You are very far from the AP.
5 Rate Limiting implemented in the router (most new router have this)
Possible workarounds:
1 Sometimes, killing naughty processes helps. (see pictures below)
2 Move closer to target AP

3 Do a fakeauth using aireplay-ng (check speeding up WEP hacking) and tell Reaver not to bother as we are already associated using -A (just add -A at the end of your normal reaver code)

4 If you are using Kali Linux in Vmware, try booting into Kali using USB. I don't know why, but sometimes internal adapters work wonders, and can't be used from inside of a VM. In my case, booting up from USB and using internal adapter increased the signal strength and speeded up the bruteforce process. Update : It has nothing to do with internal adapter. I have verified this with many others, and it is now a known problem with Reaver. It does not work well inside Virtual machines. It is recommended that you do a live boot.

5 As far as rate limiting is concerned, there are few workarounds available in forums across the web, but nothing seems to work with 100% certainty. Here is a relevant discussion of gitlab, here is a solution on hack5 forums which has a script and uses mdk5 tool (sometimes it doesn't work, it's supposed to DOS the router and reset the ban temporarily), and here is a thread on Kali Forums on the same issue, which has various possible solutions listed (including a method which changes your MAC address regularly [sorry if the download link on the thread there doesn't work] and hence allows reaver to work against routers which lock the particular MAC address which is attacking them and don't lock down completely).

6 Update: For some people the reason Reaver is not working is because the version of Libpcap you are using is not compatible with the version of Kali you are using.
A lot of people have shared their experiences in the comments section. Help out if you can, seek help if you need any. I can't always respond, but someone usually does.
Even after all your attempts, if you can't get it to work, then the AP just isn't vulnerable.
You have the following alternatives:

A If you were following the tutorials one by one in the order shown in the top navigation bar (Hack With Kali -> Wireless Hacking), then you have learnt all you needed in this chapter (even if you failed to get WPA-PSK), and can move to the next ones.

B See if you can hack a WPA network.

Hack WPA/WPA2 PSK Capturing the Handshake

WPA password hacking
Hacking WPA-2 PSK involves 2 main steps:
1 Getting a handshake (it contains the hash of password, i.e. encrypted password)
2 Cracking the hash.

Now the first step is conceptually easy. What you need is you, the attacker, a client who'll connect to the wireless network, and the wireless access point. What happens is when the client and access point communicate in order to authenticate the client, they have a 4 way handshake that we can capture. This handshake has the hash of the password. Now there's no direct way of getting the password out of the hash, and thus hashing is a robust protection method. But there is one thing we can do. We can take all possible passwords that can exists, and convert them to hash. Then we'll match the hash we created with the one that's there in the handshake. Now if the hashes match, we know what plain text password gave rise to the hash, thus we know the password. If the process sounds really time consuming to you, then its because it is. WPA hacking (and hash cracking in general) is pretty resource intensive and time taking process. Now there are various different ways cracking of WPA can be done. But since WPA is a long shot, we shall first look at the process of capturing a handshake. We will also see what problems one can face during the process. Also, before that, please check some optional wikipedia theory on what a 4-way handshake really is.

The Four-Way Handshake

The authentication process leaves two considerations: the access point (AP) still needs to authenticate itself to the client station (STA), and keys to encrypt the traffic need to be derived. The earlier EAP exchange or WPA2-PSK has provided the shared secret key PMK (Pairwise Master Key). This key is, however, designed to last the entire session and should be exposed as little as possible. Therefore the four-way handshake is used to establish another key called the PTK (Pairwise Transient Key). The PTK is generated by concatenating the following attributes: PMK, AP nonce (ANonce), STA nonce (SNonce), AP MAC address, and STA MAC address. The product is then put through PBKDF2-SHA1 as the cryptographic hash function.

The handshake also yields the GTK (Group Temporal Key), used to decrypt multicast and broadcast traffic. The actual messages exchanged during the handshake are depicted in the figure and explained below:

1 The APsends a nonce-value to the STA (ANonce). The client now has all the attributes to construct the PTK.

2 The STA sends its own nonce-value (SNonce) to the AP together with a MIC, including authentication, which is really a Message Authentication and Integrity Code: (MAIC).

3 The AP sends the GTK and a sequence number together with another MIC. This sequence number will be used in the next multicast or broadcast frame, so that the receiving STA can perform basic replay detection.
4 The STA sends a confirmation to the AP.

All the above messages are sent as EAPOL-Key frames.
As soon as the PTK is obtained it is divided into five separate keys:
PTK (Pairwise Transient Key – 64 bytes)
1 16 bytes of EAPOL-Key Confirmation Key (KCK)– Used to compute MIC on WPA EAPOL Key message
2 16 bytes of EAPOL-Key Encryption Key (KEK) - AP uses this key to encrypt additional data sent (in the 'Key Data' field) to the client (for example, the RSN IE or the GTK)
3 16 bytes of Temporal Key (TK) – Used to encrypt/decrypt Unicast data packets
4 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Tx Key – Used to compute MIC on unicast data packets transmitted by the AP
5 8 bytes of Michael MIC Authenticator Rx Key – Used to compute MIC on unicast data packets transmitted by the station
The Michael MIC Authenticator Tx/Rx Keys provided in the handshake are only used if the network is using TKIP to encrypt the data.
By the way, if you didn't understand much of it then don't worry. There's a reason why people don't search for hacking tutorials on Wikipedia (half the stuff goes above the head)
Capturing The Handshake
Now there are several (only 2 listed here) ways of capturing the handshake. We'll look at them one by one
1 Wifite (easy and automatic)


2 Airodump-ng (easy but not automatic, you manually have to do what wifite did on its own)

We'll go with the easy one first. Now you need to realize that for a handshake to be captured, there has to be a handshake in place happening. Now there are 2 options, you could either sit there and wait till a new client shows up and connects to the WPA network, or you can force the already connected clients to disconnect, and when they connect back, you capture their handshake. Your network card is good at receiving packets, but not as good in creating them. Now if your clients are very far from you, your deauth requests (i.e. please get off this connection request) won't reach them, and you'll keep wondering why you aren't getting any handshake (the same kind of problem is faced during ARP injection and other kind of attacks too). So, the idea is to be as close to the access point (router) and the clients as possible. Now the methodology is same for wifite and airodump-ng method, but wifite does all this crap for you, and in case of airodump-ng, you'll have to call a brethren (airreply-ng) to your rescue. Okay enough theory.

Get the handshake with Wifite

Now my configuration here is quite simple. I have my cellphone creating a wireless network named 'me' protected with wpa-2. Now currently no one is connected to the network. Lets try and see what wifite can do.

root@kali:~# wifite
.;' `;,
.;' ,;' `;, `;, WiFite v2 (r85)
.;' ,;' ,;' `;, `;, `;,
:: :: : ( ) : :: :: automated wireless auditor
':. ':. ':. /_ ,:' ,:' ,:'
':. ':. /___ ,:' ,:' designed for Linux
':. /_____ ,:'
[+] scanning for wireless devices...
[+] enabling monitor mode on wlan0... done
[+] initializing scan (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
[0:00:04] scanning wireless networks. 0 targets and 0 clients found
[+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
--- ------------------- - --- ---- --- -----
1 me 1 WPA2 57db wps
2 ******* 11 WEP 21db no client
3 ************** 11 WEP 21db no


Now as you can see, my network showed up as 'me'. I pressed ctrl+c and wifite asked me which target to attack (the network has wps enabled. This is an added bonus, reaver can save you from all the trouble. Also, wifite will use reaver too to skip the whole WPA cracking process and use a WPS flaw instead. We have a tutorial on hacking WPA WPS using Reaver already, in this tutorial we'll forget that this network has WPS and capture the handshake instead).

[+] select target numbers (1-3) separated by commas, or 'all':


Now I selected the first target, i.e. me. As expected, it had two attacks in store for us. First it tried the PIN guessing attack. It has almost 100% success rate, and would have given us the password had I waited for 2-3 hours. But I pressed ctrl+c and it tried to capture the handshake. I waited for 10-20 secs, and then pressd ctrl+c. No client was there so no handshake could be captured. Here's what happened.

[+] 1 target selected.
[0:00:00] initializing WPS PIN attack on me (02:73:8D:37:A7:ED)
^C0:00:24] WPS attack, 0/0 success/ttl,
(^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted
[0:08:20] starting wpa handshake capture on 'me'
[0:08:05] listening for handshake...
(^C) WPA handshake capture interrupted
[+] 2 attacks completed:
[+] 0/2 WPA attacks succeeded
[+] disabling monitor mode on mon0... done [+] quitting

Now I connected my other PC to 'me'. Lets do it again. This time a client will show up, and wifite will de-authenticate it, and it'll try to connect again. Lets see what happens this time around.

--- ------------------- - --- ---- --- -----
1 * 1 WPA 99db no client
2 me 1 WPA2 47db wps client
3 * 11 WEP 22db no clients
4 * 11 WEP 20db no
[+] select target numbers (1-4) separated by commas, or 'all': 2
[+] 1 target selected.
[0:00:00] initializing WPS PIN attack on me (02:73:8D:37:A7:ED)
^C0:00:07] WPS attack, 0/0 success/ttl,
(^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted
[0:08:20] starting wpa handshake capture on 'me'
[0:07:51] listening for handshake...
(^C) WPA handshake capture interrupted
[+] 2 attacks completed:

[+] 0/2 WPA attacks succeeded
[+] quitting
Now the deauth attacks weren't working. This time I increased the deauth frequency.
root@kali:~# wifite -wpadt 1

Soon, however, I realized, that the problem was that I was using my internal card (Kali Live USB). It does not support packet injection, so deauth wasn't working. So time to bring my external card to the scene.

root@kali:~# wifite
.;' `;,
.;' ,;' `;, `;, WiFite v2 (r85)
.;' ,;' ,;' `;, `;, `;,
:: :: : ( ) : :: :: automated wireless auditor
':. ':. ':. /_ ,:' ,:' ,:'
':. ':. /___ ,:' ,:' designed for Linux
':. /_____ ,:'
[+] scanning for wireless devices...
[+] available wireless devices:

1. wlan1 Ralink RT2870/3070 rt2800usb - [phy1]
2. wlan0 Atheros ath9k - [phy0]
[+] select number of device to put into monitor mode (1-2):
See, we can use the USB card now. This will solve the problems for us.
Now look at wifite output
--- ------------------- - --- ---- --- -----
1 me 1 WPA2 44db wps client
2 * 11 WEP 16db no client
3 * 11 WEP 16db no
[+] select target numbers (1-3) separated by commas, or 'all':
Now I attack the target. This time, finally, I captured a handshake.
[+] 1 target selected.
[0:00:00] initializing WPS PIN attack on me (02:73:8D:37:A7:ED)
^C0:00:01] WPS attack, 0/0 success/ttl,
(^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted
[0:08:20] starting wpa handshake capture on 'me'

[0:07:23] listening for handshake...
[0:00:57] handshake captured! saved as 'hs/me_02-73-8D-**-**-**.cap'
[+] 2 attacks completed:
[+] 1/2 WPA attacks succeeded
me (02:73:8D:37:A7:ED) handshake captured
saved as hs/me_02-73-8D-**-**-**.cap
[+] starting WPA cracker on 1 handshake
[!] no WPA dictionary found! use -dict <file> command-line argument
[+] disabling monitor mode on mon0... done

[+] quitting

As you can see, it took me 57 seconds to capture the handshake (5 deauth requests were sent, one every 10 secs is default). The no dictionary error shouldn't bother you. We'll use Wifite only to capture the handshake. Now the captured handshake was saved as a .cap file which can be cracked using aircrack, pyrit, hashcat (after converting .hccap), etc. using either a wordlist or bruteforce. Let's see how to do the same thing with airodump-ng. This time I won't show you the problems you might run into. It'll be a perfect ride, all the problems were seen in wifite case.

Capturing Handshake with Airodump-ng
1. Find out the name of your wireless adapter:

Alright, now, your computer has many network adapters, so to scan one, you need to know its name. So there are basically the following things that you need to know:

Trouble with the wlan interface not showing up. This is because virtual machines can't use internal wireless cards and you will have to use external cards. You should try booting Kali using Live USB (just look at the first part of this tutorial), or buy an external card. 2. Enable Monitor mode

Now, we use a tool called airmon-ng to create a virtual interface called mon. Just type
airmon-ng start wlan0
Your mon0 interface will be created.
3. Start capturing packets
Now, we'll use airodump-ng to capture the packets in the air. This tool gathers data from the wireless packets in the air. You'll see the name of the wifi you want to hack.
airodump-ng mon0

4. Store the captured packets in a file
This can be achieved by giving some more parameters with the airodump command
airodump-ng mon0 --write name_of_file

Non newbies:
root@kali:~# airmon-ng start wlan1
root@kali:~# airodump-ng mon0 -w anynamehere

Now copy the bssid field of your target network (from airodump-ng ng screen)and launch a deauth attack with aireplay-ng:
root@kali:~# aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a BSSID here mon0

The --deauth tells aireplay to launch a deauth attack. 0 tell it to fire it at interval of 0 secs (very fast so run it only for a few secs and press ctrl+c). -a will required BSSID and replace BSSID here with your target BSSID. mon0 is the interface you created.

In case you face problems with the monitor mode hopping from one channel to another, or problem with beacon frame, then fix mon0 on a channel using:
root@kali:~# airodump-ng mon0 -w anynamehere -c 1

Replace 1 with the channel where your target AP is. You might also need to add --ignorenegative-one if aireplay demands it. In my case airodump-ng says fixed channel mon0: -1 so this was required. (It's a bug with aircrack-ng suite).

Now when you look at the airodump-ng screen, you'll see that at the top right it says WPA handshake captured . Here is what it looks like
CH 1 ][ Elapsed: 24 s ][ 2014-06-13 22:41 ][ WPA handshake: **
02:73:8D:37:A7:ED -47 75 201 35 0 1 54e WPA2 CCMP PSK me
BSSID STATION PWR Rate Lost Frames Probe
* * 0 0e- 1 742 82 me
* * -35 0e- 1 0 26
You can confirm it by typing the following:
root@kali:~# aircrack-ng anynamehere-01.cap
Opening anynamehere-01.cap
Read 212 packets.
# BSSID ESSID Encryption
1 ************** me WPA (1 handshake) 2 ** Unknown


hcxtools Description

Small set of tools convert packets from captures (h = hash, c = capture, convert and calculate candidates, x = different hashtypes) for the use with latest hashcat or John the Ripper. The tools are 100% compatible to hashcat and John the Ripper and recommended by hashcat. This branch is pretty closely synced to hashcat git branch (that means: latest hcxtools matching on latest hashcat beta) and John the Ripper git branch ('bleeding-jumbo').

Support for hashcat hash-modes: 2500, 2501, 4800, 5500, 12000, 16100, 16800, 16801

Support for John the Ripper hash-modes: WPAPSK-PMK, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1, chap, netntlm, tacacs-plus

Homepage: https://github.com/ZerBea/hcxtools

Author: ZerBea

License: MIT

hcxtools Help

hcxtools is a common name of a set of tools, each executes only one specific function, and each has option set.

hcxpcaptool Help

hcxpcaptool shows info of pcap/pcapng file and convert it to other hashformats accepted by hashcat and John the Ripper.



bitmask for message pair field:

  • 0: MP info (https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccapx)
  • 1: MP info (https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccapx)
  • 2: MP info (https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccapx)
  • 3: x (unused)
  • 4: ap-less attack (set to 1) - no nonce-error-corrections neccessary
  • 5: LE router detected (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections only for LE neccessary
  • 6: BE router detected (set to 1) - nonce-error-corrections only for BE neccessary
  • 7: not replaycount checked (set to 1) - replaycount not checked, nonce-error-corrections definitely neccessary

Do not use hcxpcaptool in combination with third party cap/pcap/pcapng cleaning tools!

hcxpsktool Help

hcxpsktool calculates candidates for hashcat based on commandline input, hccapx file and/or 16800 hash file (experimental).



hcxhashcattool Help

hcxhashcattool calculate PMKs from hashcat -m 2500 potfile.


Kali Wifite Handshake Locations


wlanhcx2cap Help

wlanhcx2cap converts hccapx to cap.




wlanhc2hcx Help

wlanhc2hcx converts hccap to hccapx.



wlanwkp2hcx Help

wlanwkp2hcx converts wpk (ELMCOMSOFT EWSA projectfile) to hccapx.

Kali Wifite Handshake Location Map



wlanhcx2essid Help

wlanhcx2essid merges hccapx containing the same ESSID.



wlanhcx2ssid Help

wlanhcx2ssid strips BSSID, ESSID, OUI.



wlanhcxinfo Help

wlanhcxinfo shows detailed info from contents of hccapxfile.



wlanhcxmnc Help

wlanhcxmnc help to calculate hashcat's nonce-error-corrections value on byte number xx of an anonce.



wlanhashhcx Help

wlanhashhcx generate hashlist from hccapx hashfile (md5_64 hash:mac_ap:mac_sta:essid).



wlanhcxcat Help

wlanhcxcat is a simple password recovery tool for WPA/WPA2/WPA2 SHA256 AES-128-CMAC (hash-modes 2500, 2501).



input option matrix

wlanpmk2hcx Help

wlanpmk2hcx converts plainmasterkey and ESSID for use with hashcat hash-mode 12000 or john PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1.



wlanjohn2hcx Help

wlanjohn2hcx converts john wpapsk hashfiles for use with hashcat hash-modes 2500, 2501.



wlancow2hcxpmk Help

wlancow2hcxpmk converts pre-computed cowpatty hashfiles for use with hashcat hash-mode 2501.



wlanhcx2john Help

wlanhcx2john converts hccapx to format expected by John the Ripper.



wlanhcx2psk Help

wlanhcx2psk calculates candidates for hashcat based on the hccapx file (deprecated: will be replaced by hcxpsktool, soon).



wlancap2wpasec Help

wlancap2wpasec uploads multiple caps to https://wpa-sec.stanev.org.



whoismac Help

whoismac shows vendor information and/or download oui reference list.



hcxtools Usage Example

Show detailed description of hashcat hashfile (NPAAE.hccapx):

Example output:

Kali Wifite Handshake Location Code

Show the hash list (format md5_64 hash:mac_ap:mac_sta:essid) of a file (NPAAE.hccapx):

Example output:

Read the file test.pcapng and create the test.16800 file of the PMKID hash for hacking into hashcat with hash mode -m 16800 (-z test.16800):

Example output:

How to install hcxtools

Installation on Kali Linux

Installation on BlackArch

Installation on Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu and their derivatives



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